Exalt Thyself as the Eagle, is a thought provoking book that reveals how the prophecies of Obadiah bear a remarkable resemblance to characteristics of the United States. From the words of the most mysterious prophet of the Bible, this eye-opening examination pinpoints prophetic parallels between the ancient Edomites and modern day Americans. Though his prophecy is only twenty-one verses in length, the book of Obadiah packs a powerful end-time message that cannot be ignored. Learn how the power, prestige and pride of Esau’s descendants, were foreshadows for the economic, moral and military decline of United States. You will be amazed to discover that America’s national symbol, high standard of living, and presence in outer space are not coincidental, but were foreshadowed in Obadiah over twenty-five-hundred years ago. If America is to be saved from the consequences of her actions, there must be national repentance from the